Selling everything you own: Part 3 (August 7, 2013)lifestyle | mobile | 4hww | travel | EconomicsThe first time I sold everything I owned was 2009, when I moved to south Texas for four months as an (more...)
T minus 2 months to France! (November 8, 2011)lifestyle | mobile | 4hww | travel | FranceAs some of you may already know, Melissa and I were recently accepted for a one-year working holiday (more...)
h5note: HTML5 Notepad (May 24, 2011)geek | tech | mobile | Development | Internet | TechnologyFor the longest time, I’ve been searching for a quick, easy way to take quick meeting notes. I (more...)
The difference between Urgent and Important (August 2, 2010)lifestyle | Logic | rant | mobile | Business | 4hww | TechnologyThese days, I’m seeing more and more people who have trouble differentiating between things th (more...)
Mobile Phone Watch Review: Final (April 19, 2010)mobile | Business | Electronics | TechnologyBack last September, I reviewed my then-recent mobile phone watch purchase. All in all, it has done (more...)
Canadian Mobile Phones: Getting the Least for the Most (July 24, 2009)rant | mobile | Business | Rogers | Economics | TechnologySo today I received my Fido bill and noticed a new charge called “Other minutes.” I was (more...)