What's really in our food? (December 5, 2010)lifestyle | Health | foodBefore flying an airplane, multiple checks are done to ensure the fuel is pure, is the correct type, (more...)
Are you actually hungry? (November 22, 2010)lifestyle | Logic | Health | foodYou hear it all the time. “I’m soooo hungry!” “I’m starving!&rdq (more...)
Does Climate Change really matter? (February 2, 2010)Politics | Health | environment | ScienceClimate Change is big news. It’s a dividing issue. Us versus Them. Depending on who you believ (more...)
Recipe: Random Ratatouille (January 20, 2010)Health | foodHere’s a super-quick, super-simple meal idea: Random RatatouilleIngredients: Hard vegetable(more...)
Manulife CoverMe insurance isn't worth it (November 2, 2009)Business | Marketing | HealthAs a small business owner, I have no dental or extended health coverage. So a while ago, I decided t (more...)
Is skipping dinner healthy? (October 12, 2009)lifestyle | Health | foodIt’s Thanksgiving time in Canada, so what better time to write about how eating affects your h (more...)
The cat and the string (August 2, 2009)lifestyle | possibly offensive | HealthNo matter what mood they’re in, or what has happened in the previous 5 minutes, if you dangle (more...)
What stresses you out? (June 29, 2009)lifestyle | HealthThey say some of the most stressful things in life are: Starting a new job MovingMajor relationship (more...)
The real USA healthcare experience (March 28, 2009)Politics | Health | EconomicsI’m tired of hearing Canadians complain about our healthcare system. You know what? We do have (more...)
Healthcare: Canada vs. USA (February 28, 2009)Politics | Health | EconomicsWhat are the facts? Total health care spending per person / year: USA: $6,717 USD (46% government = (more...)